My English life

I enjoy learning English and French.

Entries from 2021-03-01 to 1 month


alteral・ter /ˈɔːltɚ|‐tə/【動詞】 【他動詞】1a〈…を〉(部分的に)変える,変更する; 〈家を〉改造する 《★【類語】 ⇒change》.用例alter one's opinion 意見を改める.b〈衣服を〉作り変える.用例I had the coat altered for me by a tailor. 私の体に合う…


alteration語源From Old French alteracion (French altération), from Medieval Latin alterātiō.発音(英国発音) IPA(key): /ɒl.tə(ɹ)ˈeɪ.ʃən/(米国発音) IPA(key): /ɔl.tɚˈeɪ.ʃən/韻: -eɪʃən名詞alteration (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 alteratio…


alternatePart or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more rece…


little語源From Middle English litel, from 古期英語 lȳtel, from Proto-Germanic *lūtilaz (“tending to stoop, crouched, little”), from Proto-Indo-European *lewd- (“to bend, bent, small”), equivalent to lout + -le. Cognate with Dutch luttel, r…


skeptical【形容詞】疑いを抱く, 容易に信じない, 懐疑的な, 無神論の 印欧語根spek-見ること、観察することを表す印欧語根。重要な派生語は、語幹spectを持つ語(aspect, respect, spectacleなど)、special, telescopeなど。 接尾辞-ical1「…の、…に関する…


advance別の表記advaunce語源From Middle English avauncen, avancen, borrowed from Anglo-Norman avauncer, avancer, avancier (French avancer), from Vulgar Latin *abantiāre, from Late Latin abante, from Latin ab + ante (“before”). ⟨d⟩ added in …

make a difference

make a difference (三人称単数 現在形 makes a difference, 現在分詞 making a difference, 過去形および過去分詞形 made a difference) (idiomatic, intransitive) To carry out an action, the result of which is a significant change, or an altered c…

as long as

as long as発音接続詞as long as Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see as, long.(idiomatic) Provided that, if, assuming (depending upon some condition または requirement).I don't mind if he stays there, as long as he cleans up a…


fertilizerfér・ti・lìz・er 【名詞】1【不可算名詞】 [種類・個々には 【可算名詞】] 肥料; (特に)化学肥料 (cf. manure).2【可算名詞】 受精媒介物 《ハチなど》.[FERTILIZE+‐ER1] 肥料〈自然の〉 manure 〈人造の〉 (a) fertilizer 〈堆肥〉 compost …

residential properties

Residential residentialres・i・den・tial /rèzədénʃəl←/【形容詞】【限定用法の形容詞】(more residential; most residential)1住宅の; 住宅向きの.用例 a residential district [quarter] 住宅地[区域].2(比較なし)a〈仕事・勉強など〉任地[学校]に居住し…

What a coincidence!

What a coincidence!Coincidence coincidenceco・in・ci・dence /koʊínsədns|kəʊ‐/【名詞】1【不可算名詞】 (出来事が)同時に起こること,同時発生.用例the coincidence of two accidents 二つの事故の同時発生.2【不可算名詞】 [具体的には 【可算名詞】] …